Posted on Feb 21, 2012 / 5 Comments
Dust off your cameras and iron your PUNISHER shirts, starting this year we're going to highlight our favorite Punisher each and every month. So slick back your hair, load up your guns and strike a pose – we can't wait to meet you, Punisher fans! We're fans of yours too. And now without further adue, we're thrilled to introduce our FIRST EVER Punisher of the month: Stewart Loud from the UK.
He beat out Thomas Jane for the #1 spot? Go Stewart! Maybe they will film a reboot:
“In a world where the Punisher’s origin story happened years earlier…”
Cheers dude and cheers Raw for using my picture! Check out this link for my facebook group page. Got hundreds more cosplay and Punisher related photos on there.
Nice job! Wonderful Punisher costume!
I’ve seen far better, he’s have the look or the body and lose the white gloves and boots for god sakes
I’ve seen far better, he’s doesn’t have the look or the body and lose the white gloves and boots for god sakes