Raw Studios Homeworld – Brother Eye is watching
by Tim Bradstreet
Thank ya kindly fer that introduction, Sir Thomas . . .
YES – You’ve found us! Where have we been? We’ve been through a lotta shit over the past couple years. A lot of changes. Things that necessitated my withdrawal from the social media eye. Sometimes you have to re-focus, and that can take time. It did. Way longer than I could have ever imagined. Still . . . We adapt, we overcome. The pace of my return to a regular work-load has gradually picked up over the past 6 months. I’ve been doing some cool stuff and I can’t wait to share it with you friends.
Stand by for transport to our current homeworld – This internet space where we house our craft become creation.
Hope you celebrated a wonderful Bday last week & have been enjoying the finer moments of life since we’ve last heard from you.
Explanations of your whereabouts are unnecessary. but you should know that our mouths have been watering over your Expanse posters & other breathtaking creations & you always keep us on the edge of our seats for more of your masterpieces.
Much love <3
— IFC90